Crown Plastic Pipes

(+971) 65436781



Nema TC 2: 2003 Electrical PVC-U Tubing& Conduits

Nema TC6&8/ASTM F 512 PVC-U Duct Pipe For Under Ground Installations

This covers the following thypes of plastic utilities duct for installation underground for communications and electrical wire & cable
EB-20  :      Designed for burial encased in concrete
E8-35 :       Designed for burial encased in concrete
DB-60 :      Designed for direct burial without encasement in concrete
DB-IOO :     Designed for direct burial without encasement in concrete
DB-120 :     Designed for direct burial without encasement in concrete

 Type DB product also used for encased concrete applications

Nema TC 2: 2003 Electrical PVC-U Tubing & Conduits

This covers the following type of Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) conduit (EPC)  EPC 40 PVC: Electrical PVC conduit designed for normal duty (Schedule 40) applications above ground; also used for all concrete encased Applications or Direct Burial. EPC 80 PVC: Electrical PVC conduit designed for heavy duty (Schedule 80) applications above ground; also for all concrete encased Applications or Direct Burial.

Nema TC6&8/ASTM F 512 PVC-U Duct Pipe For Under Ground Installations

This covers the following types of plastic utility duct for installation underground for communications and electrical wire & cable

EB-20 :    Designed for burial encased in concrete

EB-35 :    Designed for burial encased in concrete

DB-60 :    Designed for direct burial without encasement in concrete

DB-100 :  Designed for direct burial without encasement in concrete

DB-120 :  Designed for direct burial without encasement in concreteType DB Product also used for encased concrete application

UPVC Duct Pipes Are Manufactured As Per The Following Dimensions:

DUCT Pipe For Electrical And Telephone Cable

The Standard length is 5.8 meter or as required: Standard Colour: Black/Dark Grey

Non- Standard Duct Pipe

Duct End Caps

Duct Sockets

Duct Bellmouths

Duct 90/45 Degree LR Bends

Duct 90 Degree Lighting L R Bends 4"

Duct 90 Degree Street Lighting L R Bends 3"